
G for genious

Friday, February 6, 2009

Windows XP to Windows 7 upgrade possible

Microsoft has confirmed that customers can purchase upgrade media and an upgrade license at a discounted price to move from Windows XP to Windows 7.
Microsoft has been working on ways to help Windows XP users make the move by providing other tools and ways to get through upgrade process, but declines to provide further details on how it intends to simplify the upgrade process.

Till now Microsoft has issued 3 service packs for XP. In December 2008, Microsoft extended XP's sales life span to mid-2010 to account for netbooks. Michael Cherry, an analyst at Directions commented about XP's popularity as it is the first time he can remember that we have a situation where people will be continuing to buy devices (netbooks) with an operating system no longer in mainstream. He added that for any pre-installed copy of Windows XP, support that customer buys is not tied to the Microsoft Support Lifecycle policy, but rather to the OEM's support policy. So, if a consumer purchases a netbook today with Windows XP Home pre-installed, their primary support would be through the OEM. It is also clear that Microsoft is taking Windows 7 and netbooks seriously.

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