
G for genious

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Samsung plans to launch two Android devices in the U.S.

During Samsung's press conference at CTIA 2009, company executives didn't have much to say about its Android plans, other than it's on track to deliver devices during the second half of 2009. However, Samsung Mobile's executive vice president of global product strategy, Dr. Won-Pyo Hong, was feeling a little more chatty and revealed some new details in a conversation with "Forbes Magazine."

While Hong didn't get any more specific about release dates, he did say that the U.S. will get two Android smartphones later this year and they will be offered by two different carriers. Of the U.S. service providers, it's believed that Sprint and T-Mobile will be the ones to offer them, since they're both part of the Open Handset Alliance. Hong added that the two handsets will look "totally different" to appease carrier preferences, while Europe will probably get one device at launch since the same model can be shared across multiple carriers. Samsung's first non-U.S. Android device is slated to be released in June.

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