
G for genious

Saturday, January 17, 2009

What is Hypnosis?

A well formulated definition of hypnosis is:

"A state of concurrent relaxation and concentration with an increased consciousness evoked from suggestions"

Your concentration is in focus
- inwards (thoughts, inner ideas or pictures, or both); or
- outwards (a task, a book a movie and so on).
Focus gets so narrowed that other stimuli in the environment are ignored or temporarily barred from your consciousness.

Examples of everyday states of trance are; daydreaming, crosswords, absorption when reading a book, watching a movie etc. Some forms of meditation can also be considered trance-like.

As a matter of fact, hypnosis is completely normal, non-magical and with predictable consequences. It's totally out of the question for a person to be mastered, manipulated or put in a trance against his/her will.

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